
The Importance of Building a Personal Brand Alongside Your Business



When done right, a personal brand helps you achieve many of your personal, life, and business goals. Whether you are a small business owner, a PR firm, or an online marketing company, establishing a personal brand alongside building your company’s brand is what truly sets you apart. 

No matter how hard it is with all the competition in the industry, you always have the opportunity to create a “personal brand” that communicates how you and your company are unique, relevant and suited to your target audience. When choosing between two identical products, customers tend to go with the one made by the brand that they like more. 

When building a personal brand, it should represent who you are and what you do, but more importantly, how you are different than others. Having a personal brand gives you and your business value; it also provides a reason for others to connect with you. Before building your brand, you need a target audience, as well as a theme. A personal brand should be used to make your corporation seem relatable and can be used to create deeper connections with customers. 

A multitude of large corporations have built successful personalities through social media. Social media is the perfect platform for building a personality, as it allows you to hear and respond to loyal fans. When companies choose to respond to comments and have conversations with their customers, it creates a personality for the brand. Reminding your customers that the company is run by people is one of the most important factors in public relations. 

Additionally, to build a successful brand, you have to do something that is different than what others are doing. Be creative in your own way. Be willing to take risks. And, be open to talking with others. One way I was able to build a successful personal brand was by networking with other like-minded people. Not only was I able to grow as a person, but I was also able to grow my brand along the way. 

A great example of an entrepreneur who has built an impressive personal brand is Gary Vaynerchuk. Being one of the most successful marketers, Vaynerchuk has grown quite a following through his social media. Vaynerchuk says, “Your personal brand is your reputation. And your reputation in perpetuity is the foundation of your career.” Having that good reputation makes you stand out from others. Vaynerchuk has been able to provide valuable information to his audience through his daily content. He gives a reason as to why people should be following him. That’s personal branding. 

Ultimately, building a recognizable personal brand opens up a lot of opportunities and it’s also a way to distinguish yourself from the competition in the long term.

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