
Technology to Look Out for in the Next 5 Years



The 21st century has been a time where we’ve seen many leaps as far as technology is concerned. One of the critical drivers for most technological innovations has been the rapid advancements in computing that have made it easy to build other technologies that depend on computing. In the next five years, you can expect to see many new technological innovations that will change the way we live and how we look at life in general.

VR and AR 

Almost all the big tech companies are doing serious research on integrating Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). In an interview with YouTuber Marques Brownlee, Mark Zuckerberg shared information about Facebook’s research into the use of holograms and how to integrate them into remote interactions with our friends and family. Within the next few years, we’ll likely see a rising prominence in the ability to have online conversations in the form of holographic projection.

Voice assistants in homes 

In the bid to make homes smarter, companies like Amazon and Apple have done quantitative research to integrate most of our home appliances with voice assistant software like Siri and Alexa. In the next five years, we expect most of the homes in the USA to have most of their appliances controlled by voice commands. We shall just be turning on our fridges, ACs, and light by merely commanding them. 

Space tourism

Space tourism may not be a reality in the next five years, but there will be significant advances regarding different planets. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have made significant progress regarding making human life multi-planetary. SpaceX has already done large amounts of research into Mars, which makes many think that going to this Planet could be sooner than everyone had expected. 

Quantum computing

With quantum computing, devices will make calculations based on the probability of an object’s state before it is measured. This kind of computing will make it possible to do way more computations per second than today’s computers that use 1s and 0s. 

Gesture-based computing

A lot of research is being done in creating more useful applications that take advantage of gesture computing. Looking at Hachi’s infinite M1 projector, it’s clear to see that we are heading as far as gesture computing is concerned. This projector makes it possible to interact with projections projected on the wall or table like you would on a touch screen display. With such innovations, there could be a reduction in substantial touchscreen displays since this type of tech is way cheaper.

As time goes by, technological advancements will continue to occur. The next 5 years will be critical to the progression of mankind. 

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