
Easy and Adoptable Habits of Effective Essay Writers



For most people, writing sucks. Having to quantify your inner thoughts with stale letters on a blank page can be too daunting and understandably tedious. Personally, I love to write, as it gives me a way to organize all the crazy trains of thought held within my brain. Today, I’ll be talking about the most efficient ways to write an essay.

First, it’s vital to establish your tone. The tone essentially defines what direction your piece will go in and acts as an overhead theme for the rest of an essay. For example, if I were to start informally conveying information, that would affect my credibility, impact, and relatability. It’s entirely dependent on how you want to connect with your reader. If I wanted to present evidence from a research paper, I likely wouldn’t want to be cracking jokes during my opening statements. 

However, if I wanted to talk about stress, it may be vital for me to establish a more personal connection with the reader. Your wording determines how your piece is perceived, so you must choose a style that aligns with how you want to convey your information. 

Next, finding a balance is critical. We typically try to sound as smart as possible with essays, yet jargon cramming isn’t always practical. Although you should feel free to flex your knowledge on some occasions, you must be able to make your overall thesis clear. If a reader can’t understand what you’re saying, they can’t resonate with it. While it’s ok to establish your ethos, that theme shouldn’t be carried throughout the piece and must be mitigated for the sake of concision. In some cases, this aspect may be permissible, as it can be catered to a specific audience. 

For example, it may not be the worst idea to throw in a few big words when discussing philosophy or a scientific finding, as your audience will likely have an expectation of you that includes a certain level of jargon. When presenting a piece, all interchangeable aspects must be organized with precise specificity to the liking of whoever will be reading or analyzing it.

The organization is always crucial. I’ve given you a few things to think about during this piece, but the structure has been straightforward to follow. Each section is devoted to one unique characteristic, and they don’t overlap. The transitions are clear, making them clean and concise. Your structural choices will make or break your essay, so they must be understandable. While I don’t believe that one structure rises above the rest, I contend that you must have ordered. 

Finally, an essential step to writing an essay is abolishing the perception that you can’t. There are no uncontrollable factors that go into writing, as every result is a product of an act committed by you. If you know what you’re talking about, there shouldn’t be anything standing in your way and academic success. 

Creating a perfect essay is not easy. I’ve never been able to do it myself (there goes my ethos). However, the task of getting through one is not as difficult as some may make it seem, and I hope to have shown you that today.

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